CO Model Content Standards-Sci.
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Thinkin' Science ZAP
SCI 2.1.5-8. 1 examining, describing, comparing, measuring, and classifying objects based on common physical and chemical properties (for example, states of matter, mass, volume, electrical charge, temperature, density, boiling points, pH, magnetism, solubility);
Component: ElectroLoft
Reference: 28-33, 53, 86-106
Required: - Suggested: 5-6 Interested: -
SCI 2.2.K-4. 1 recognizing that energy (for example, light, heat, motion, sound, mechanical) can affect common objects and is involved in common events;
Component: Laser Lab
Reference: 16-20, 49, 58-71
Required: - Suggested: 3-4 Interested: 5-6
Component: SoundWave
Reference: 21-25, 51, 72-85
Required: - Suggested: 3-4 Interested: 5-6
SCI 2.2.5-8. 1 measuring quantities associated with energy forms (for example, temperature, mass, speed, distance, electrical charge, current, voltage);
Component: ElectroLoft
Reference: 28-33, 53, 86-106
Required: - Suggested: 5-6 Interested: -
SCI 6.0.5-8. 6 using a model to predict change (for example, computer simulation, video sequence, stream table).
Component: Concert
Reference: 38,41
Required: - Suggested: 5-6 Interested: -
Printed On: April 13, 1999
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